Why Would You Want to Work for a PE-Backed Firm?

For CFOs who may be of a mind to hook up with a private equity-backed company, open your eyes wide and tread very carefully. When speaking with senior financial executives about their career aspirations, the conversation often turns to a desire to work for a private equity-backed company. I am talking about a large majority … Read more

What CFOs Can Do About Diversity

I’m not going to rehash the economic benefits a company accrues by employing progressive diversity policies. The benefits are clear. Companies that promote diversity do better financially than those that do not. If this fact is obvious, why is there such a shortage of diversity in the finance function, and what can a CFO do … Read more

Don’t Miss Your Next CFO Job Opportunity

I often get inquiries from senior finance executives that go something like this: “I was speaking with John Smith the other day, and he suggested I contact you. I am looking to potentially make a job change and want to choose a search firm to work with me.” I have a few reactions to this … Read more

Don’t Be “That Guy”

As you might imagine, I get many calls and emails from people looking for jobs. I do my best to keep up with them and help where I can. On rare occasions where serendipity intervenes, the job seeker actually is a good fit for a current assignment. However, most of the time, I can only … Read more